Charla Messina

Want to boost the value of your home up to 28 percent overnight? Beef up the landscaping in front of your house. Big-ticket landscaping items — mature trees, well-formed shrubs and a green lawn — can increase the value of your home up to 28 percent and decrease the time it sits on the housing market by 10 to 15 percent, says Florida landscape economist John Harris.

Beautiful trees, which add the bulk of the value, not only add to your home’s bottom line, but they’ll boost the value of your neighbor’s houses, too — and vice versa. A Portland, Oregon, study found that a large-canopy tree, like a maple, planted in the front yard of an urban house increased the sale price on average by nearly $9,000 (the equivalent of adding almost 130 square feet of finished space) and shaved almost two days off its time on the market. Plus, the tree added almost $13,000 to the value of the 7.6 houses lying within the tree’s 100-foot radius.

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